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[King James Bible] The Gospel according to Luke |
[Baiboly 1865] Lioka |
[Baiboly Katolika] Lioka |
[Bible de Jérusalem] L'Évangile selon Saint Luc |
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Lio / Lk 22:1 | Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the |
Ary efa mby akaiky ny andro firavoravoana fihinanana ny mofo tsy misy masirasira, dia ilay andro atao hoe Paska. | Efa mby akaiky ny fetin' ny Azima atao hoe Paka, | La fête des |
Lio / Lk 22:2 | And the chief priests and scribes sought how they might kill him; for they feared the people. | Ary ny lohan' ny mpisorona sy ny mpanora-dalàna nitady izay hamonoany an' i Jesosy; nefa natahotra ny olona izy. | ary ny lohandohan' ny mpisorona sy ny mpanora-dalàna dia nikaroka izay hevitra hamonoana an' i Jeso, fa natahotra ny vahoaka izy ireo. | Et les grands prêtres et les scribes cherchaient comment le tuer, car ils avaient peur du peuple. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:3 | Then entered |
Fa Satana niditra tao anatin' i Jodasy, ilay atao hoe Iskariota, anankiray tamin' ny roa ambin' ny folo lahy; | Nidiran' i Satana kosa Jodasy, ilay atao hoe Iskariota, anisan' ny roa ambin' ny folo lahy, | Or |
Lio / Lk 22:4 | And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them. | dia nankao amin' ny lohan' ny mpisorona sy ny lehiben' ny mpiambina izy ka niresaka taminy ny amin' izay hamadihany an' i Jesosy amin' ireo. | ka lasa izy nankany amin' ny lohandohan' ny mpisorona sy ny manam-pahefana niraharaha ny amin' izay hanolorany azy amin' izy ireo. | Il s' en alla conférer avec les grands prêtres et les chefs des gardes sur le moyen de le leur livrer. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:5 | And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money. | Dia faly ireo ka nanaiky hanome vola azy. | Dia faly izy ireo ka nanaiky hanome vola azy. | Ils se réjouirent et convinrent de lui donner de l' argent. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:6 | And he promised, and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence of the multitude. | Ary nanaiky izy ka nitady izay andro hahazoany hamadika Azy amin' ireo amin' ny tsy misy olona. | Ary nanaiky izy ka nikendry izay fotoana tsy hisy olona hanolorany azy. | Il acquiesça, et il cherchait une occasion favorable pour le leur livrer à l' insu de la foule. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:7 | Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed. | Ary tonga ny andro fihinanana ny mofo tsy misy masirasira, dia ilay tsy maintsy hamonoana ny Paska. | Dia tonga ny andron' ny Azima izay tsy maintsy hamonoana ny zanak' ondrin' ny Paka, | Vint le jour des |
Lio / Lk 22:8 | And he sent |
Ary Jesosy naniraka an' i Petera sy Jaona ka nanao hoe: Mandehana, ka amboary ny Paska hohanintsika. | ka naniraka an' i Piera sy Joany Jeso nanao hoe: Mandehana manamboatra ny Paka hohanintsika. | et il envoya |
Lio / Lk 22:9 | And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? | Ary hoy ireo taminy: Aiza no tianao hanamboaranay azy? | Aiza no tianao hanamboaranay azy? hoy ireo. | Ils lui dirent : " Où veux-tu que nous préparions ? " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:10 | And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. | Dia hoy Izy taminy: Indro, raha miditra ao an-tanàna ianareo, dia hisy lehilahy mitondra siny feno rano hifanena aminareo; manaraha azy ao amin' ny trano izay hidirany. | Dia hoy izy taminy: Indro, rahefa miditra ao an-tanàna hianareo, dia hifanena amin' ny lehilahy ananakiray mitondra siny feno rano, ka manaraha azy any amin' izay trano hidirany, | Il leur dit : " Voici qu' en entrant dans la ville, vous rencontrerez un homme portant une cruche d' eau. |
Lio / Lk 22:11 | And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? | Dia lazao amin' ny tompon-trano hoe: Izao no lazain' ny Mpampianatra aminao: Aiza ny efi-trano hiarahako mihinana ny Paska amin' ny mpianatro? | dia lazao amin' ny tompon-trano hoe: Izao no asain' ny Mpampianatra lazaina aminao: Aiza ny efi-trano hihinanako ny Paka miaraka amin' ny mpianatro? | et vous direz au propriétaire de la maison : "Le |
Lio / Lk 22:12 | And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. | Ary izy hanoro anareo efi-trano malalaka ambony rihana, izay efa nasiana fipetrahana; any no amboary. | Dia hotoroany efi-trano malalaka àry fanaka hianareo, ka ao no amboary izay ilaina. | Et celui-ci vous montrera, à l' |
Lio / Lk 22:13 | And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover. | Dia nandeha izy ka nahita araka izay efa nolazainy taminy; dia namboatra ny Paska izy. | Dia nandeha izy ireo ka nahita araka izay nolazainy taminy, ary nanamboatra ny Paka. | S' en étant donc allés, ils trouvèrent comme il leur avait dit, et ils préparèrent la pâque. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:14 | And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. | Ary nony tonga ny fotoana, dia nipetraka hihinana Izy mbamin' ny Apostoly. | Nony tonga ny fotoana, dia nipetraka hihinana izy sy ny Apostoly roa ambin' ny folo lahy. | Lorsque l' heure fut venue, il se mit à table, et les apôtres avec lui. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:15 | And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: | Ary hoy Izy taminy: Naniry koa raha naniry Aho hiara-mihinana ity Paska ity aminareo, dieny mbola tsy mijaly Aho. | Ary hoy izy tamin' izy ireo: Naniry dia naniry hiara-mihinana ity Paka ity aminareo aho alohan' ny hijaliako, | Et il leur dit : " J' ai ardemment désiré manger cette pâque avec vous avant de souffrir ; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:16 | For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of |
Fa lazaiko aminareo fa tsy mba hihinana izany intsony Aho ambara-pahatanterak' izany ao amin' ny fanjakan' Andriamanitra. | fa lazaiko aminareo fa tsy mba hihinana azy intsony aho mandra-pahatanterany any amin' ny fanjakan' Andriamanitra. | car je vous le dis, jamais plus je ne la mangerai jusqu'à ce qu' elle s' accomplisse dans le Royaume de |
Lio / Lk 22:17 | And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves: | Ary nandray kapoaka Izy, dia nisaotra ka nanao hoe: Raiso ity, ka zarao aminareo; | Dia nandray kalisy izy ka nisaotra, ary nanao hoe: Raiso ity, ka zarao aminareo; | Puis, ayant reçu une coupe, il rendit grâces et dit : " Prenez ceci, et partagez entre vous ; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:18 | For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of |
fa lazaiko aminareo fa hatramin' izao dia tsy hisotro ny vokatry ny voaloboka intsony Aho mandra-pahatongan' ny fanjakan' Andriamanitra. | fa lazaiko aminareo fa hatramin' izao dia tsy hisotro ny vokatry ny voaloboka intsony aho mandra-pahatongan' ny fanjakan' Andriamanitra. | car, je vous le dis, je ne boirai plus désormais du produit de la vigne jusqu'à ce que le Royaume de |
Lio / Lk 22:19 | And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. | Ary nandray mofo Izy, ary rehefa nisaotra, dia novakiny ka natolony azy sady nataony hoe : Ity no tenako izay omena ho anareo; izao no ataovinareo ho fahatsiarovana Ahy. | Rahefa izany, dia nandray mofo izy, ka nony efa nisaotra dia namaky azy, sy nanome azy ireo nanao hoe: Ity no vatako, izay atolotra ho anareo; manaova izany ho fahatsiarovana ahy. | Puis, prenant du pain, il rendit grâces, le rompit et le leur donna, en disant : " Ceci est mon corps, donné pour vous ; faites cela en mémoire de moi. " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:20 | Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. | Ary araka izany koa ny kapoaka, rehefa vita ny sakafo, dia hoy Izy: Ity kapoaka ity no fanekena vaovao amin' ny rako, izay aidina ho anareo. | Dia nataony toy izany koa ny kalisy rahefa avy nihinana, ka hoy izy: Ity kalisy ity no fanekena vaovao amin' ny rako, izay alatsaka ho anareo. | Il fit de même pour la coupe après le repas, disant : " Cette coupe est la nouvelle Alliance en mon sang, versé pour vous. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:21 | But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table. | Fa, indro, ny tànan' izay mamadika Ahy dia eto amiko eto ambonin' ny latabatra. | Kanefa indro ny tànan' izay mamadika ahy efa mby eto amiko eto ambony latabatra. | " Cependant, voici que la main de celui qui me livre est avec moi sur la table. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:22 | And truly the Son of man goeth, as it was determined: but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed! | Fa ny Zanak' olona mandeha tokoa, araka izay nanendrena; nefa lozan' izay lehilahy hahazoana manolotra Azy! | Raha ny Zanak' olona, dia mandeha araka ny lahatra; fa loza ho an' izay lehilahy hamadika azy. | Le Fils de l' homme, certes, va son chemin selon ce qui a été arrêté, mais malheur à cet homme-là par qui il est livré ! " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:23 | And they began to enquire among themselves, which of them it was that should do this thing. | Ary ireo nifanontany izay anankiray eo aminy hahefa izany. | Dia nifanontany ny mpianatra hoe iza re no dia hahavita izany amin' izy ireo. | Et eux se mirent à se demander entre eux quel était donc parmi eux celui qui allait faire cela. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:24 | And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. | Ary nisy koa fifandirana tao aminy ny amin' izay anankiray aminy hatao lehibe. | Ary velona koa ny ady hevitra tamin' izy ireo, momba ny hahalalany izay lehibe indrindra amin' izy ireo, | Il s'éleva aussi entre eux une contestation : lequel d' entre eux pouvait être tenu pour le plus grand ? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:25 | And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. | Ary hoy Jesosy taminy: Ny mpanjakan' ny jentilisa mampanompo azy ary izay manapaka azy no atao hoe mpanao soa. | ka hoy Jeso taminy: Amin' ny jentily ny mpanjaka no mizaka azy rehetra, ary izay mandidy azy no atao hoe mpanao soa; | Il leur dit : " Les rois des nations dominent sur elles, et ceux qui exercent le pouvoir sur elles se font appeler |
Lio / Lk 22:26 | But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. | Fa tsy mba toy izany ianareo; fa izay lehibe aminareo dia aoka ho toy ny zandry; ary izay manapaka dia aoka ho toy ny mpanompo. | fa aminareo kosa tsy mba toy izany, fa aoka izay lehibe aminareo no ho toy ny zandry, ary izay mandidy no ho toy ny mpanompo. | Mais pour vous, il n' en va pas ainsi. Au contraire, que le plus grand parmi vous se comporte comme le plus jeune, et celui qui gouverne comme celui qui sert. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:27 | For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth. | Fa iza moa no lehibe, izay mipetraka mihinana va, sa izay manompo? Tsy izay mipetraka mihinana va? Fa Izaho dia eo aminareo toy izay manompo. | Fa iza moa no lehibebe kokoa, ny mihinana amin' ny latabatra va sa ny manompo? Moa tsy ny mihinana amin' ny latabatra va? Ary izaho anefa eto aminareo dia toy ny mpanompo. | Quel est en effet le plus grand, celui qui est à table ou celui qui sert ? N' est-ce pas celui qui est à table ? Et moi, je suis au milieu de vous comme celui qui sert ! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:28 | Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. | Ary ianareo no naharitra nanaraka Ahy tamin' ny fakam-panahy nihatra tamiko; | Hianareo moa, naharitra nanaraka ahy tamin' izay nanjo ahy, | " Vous êtes, vous, ceux qui sont demeurés constamment avec moi dans mes épreuves ; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:29 | And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; | koa Izaho dia manendry fanjakana ho anareo tahaka ny nanendren' ny Raiko ho Ahy, | izaho kosa hanamboatra fanjakana ho anareo, tahaka ny nanamboaran' ny Raiko fanjakana ho ahy, | et moi je dispose pour vous du Royaume, comme mon Père en a disposé pour moi : | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:30 | That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of |
mba hihinana sy hisotro eo amin' ny latabatro amin' ny fanjakako ianareo sady hipetraka ambony seza fiandrianana hitsara ny firenen' isiraely roa ambin' ny folo, | mba hihinananareo sy hisotroanareo eo amin' ny latabatro any amin' ny fanjakako, ary hipetrahanareo amin' ny seza fiandrianana hitsara ny foko roa amin' ny folo amin' Israely. | vous mangerez et boirez à ma table en mon Royaume, et vous siégerez sur des trônes pour juger les douze tribus d' |
Lio / Lk 22:31 | And the |
Ary hoy ny Tompo: Ry Simona, ry Simona, indro, Satana efa nilofo nitady anareo hokororohiny toy ny vary. | Ary hoy ny Tompo: Ry Simona, ry Simona, indro Satana nitady hikororoka anareo tahaka ny vary, | " |
Lio / Lk 22:32 | But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. | Nefa Izaho nangataka ho anao, mba tsy ho levona ny finoanao; ary rehefa mibebaka ianao, dia ampaherezo ireo rahalahinao. | fa izaho nangataka ho anao, mba tsy ho lavo ny finoanao, ary rahefa mibebaka hianao dia hamafiso ny rahalahinao. | mais moi j' ai prié pour toi, afin que ta foi ne défaille pas. Toi donc, quand tu seras revenu, affermis tes frères. " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:33 | And he said unto him, |
Ary hoy izy taminy: Tompoko, vonona hanaraka Anao aho, na ho ao an-tranomaizina, na dia ho amin' ny fahafatesana aza. | Ary hoy Piera taminy: Vonon-kanaraka anao aho, Tompoko, na ho ao an-tranomaizina, na ho any amin' ny fahafatesana aza. | Celui-ci lui dit : " Seigneur, je suis prêt à aller avec toi et en prison et à la mort. " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:34 | And he said, I tell thee, |
Fa hoy Jesosy: Lazaiko aminao, ry Petera: Raha tsy mbola misy akoho maneno anio, dia handà intelo ho tsy mahalala Ahy ianao. | Fa hoy Jeso: Lazaiko aminao, ry Piera, fa mbola tsy haneno ny akoho anio, dia handà intelo ho tsy mahalala ahy hianao. | Mais il dit : " Je te le dis, |
Lio / Lk 22:35 | And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, |
Ary hoy koa Izy taminy: Raha nirahiko tsy nitondra kitapom-bola na kitapom-batsy na kapa ianareo, moa nisy zavatra nahory anareo va? Dia hoy ireo: Tsy nisy. | Ary hoy koa izy tamin' ny mpianany: Raha naniraka anareo tsy nitondra kitapom-bola na kitapom-batsy na kiraro aho, moa orin-javatra va hianareo? | Puis il leur dit : " Quand je vous ai envoyés sans bourse, ni besace, ni sandales, avez-vous manqué de quelque chose ? " - " De rien ", dirent-ils. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:36 | Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. | Fa hoy Izy taminy: Fa amin' izao kosa, izay manana kitapom-bola dia aoka hitondra azy; ary toy izany koa ny kitapom-batsy; ary izay tsy manan-tsabatra kosa, dia aoka hivarotra ny lambany izy ka hividy. | Tsy orin' inona n' inona izahay, hoy izy ireo. Dia hoy izy taminy: Fa amin' izao kosa izay manan-pitapom-bola aoka hitondra azy; toy izany koa izay manan-kitapom-batsy, ary izay tsy manan-tsabatra aoka hivarotra ny akanjony ka hividy iray: | Et il leur dit : " Mais maintenant, que celui qui a une bourse la prenne, de même celui qui a une besace, et que celui qui n' en a pas vende son manteau pour acheter un glaive. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:37 | For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end. | Fa lazaiko aminareo: Tsy maintsy ho tanteraka amiko izao voasoratra izao hoe: Ary Izy natao ho isan' ny mpanota (Isa. 53. 12); fa efa ho tanteraka ny amiko. | fa lazaiko aminareo fa ity teny voasoratra ity koa tsy maintsy ho tanteraka amiko, dia ilay hoe: Natao lasitra iray amin' ny ratsy fanahy izy; fa efa ho tapitra daholo ny amiko. | Car, je vous le dis, il faut que s' accomplisse en moi ceci qui est écrit : Il a été compté parmi les scélérats. Aussi bien, ce qui me concerne touche à sa fin. " - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:38 | And they said, |
Ary hoy ireo: Tompoko, indreto sabatra roa. Dia hoy Jesosy taminy: Aoka izay. | Dia hoy izy ireo: Tompoko, indreto misy sabatra roa. Dia hoy Jeso taminy: Ampy izay. | " Seigneur, dirent-ils, il y a justement ici deux glaives. " Il leur répondit : " C' est bien assez ! " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:39 | And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of |
Ary nivoaka Jesosy, koa araka ny fanaony dia nankao an-tendrombohitra Oliva Izy, ary ny mpianatra koa nanaraka Azy. | Dia nivoaka nankany an-tendrombohitra Oliva araka ny fanaony izy, ka nanaraka azy koa ny mpianany. | Il sortit et se rendit, comme de coutume, au mont des |
Lio / Lk 22:40 | And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation. | Ary raha vao tonga tao amin' izany tany izany, dia hoy Izy taminy: Mivavaha mba tsy hidiranareo amin' ny fakam-panahy. | Nony tonga tany izy dia nanao tamin' izy ireo hoe: Mivavaha mba tsy ho azon' ny fakam-panahy hianareo. | Parvenu en ce lieu, il leur dit : " Priez, pour ne pas entrer en tentation. " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:41 | And he was withdrawn from them about a stone' s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, | Ary Izy nihataka taminy tokony ho indray mitora-bato, dia nandohalika ka nivavaka hoe: | Dia nihataka tamin' izy ireo tokony ho tra-toraka izy ka nandohalika, dia nivavaka, | Puis il s' |
Lio / Lk 22:42 | Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. | Raiko ô, raha sitrakao, dia esory amiko ity kapoaka ity; nefa aoka tsy ny sitrapoko anie no hatao, fa ny Anao. | nanao hoe: Raiko! raha sitrakao, halaviro ahy ity kapoaka ity; ny sitra-ponao anefa no aoka ho tanteraka, fa tsy ny ahy. | " Père, si tu veux, éloigne de moi cette coupe ! Cependant, que ce ne soit pas ma volonté, mais la tienne qui se fasse ! " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:43 | And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. | Ary nisy anjely avy tany an-danitra niseho teo aminy ka nampahery Azy. | Tamin' izay dia nisy anjely anankiray avy tany an-danitra niseho taminy sy nankahery azy. Dia voan' ny fiadiana aina izy, fa vao mainka nivavaka mafimafy kokoa. | Alors lui apparut, venant du ciel, un ange qui le réconfortait. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:44 | And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. | Ary fadiranovana Izy, ka dia nivavaka mafimafy kokoa; ary ny dininy dia tahaka ny rà nipotrapotraka tamin' ny tany. | Ary nanjary toy ny rà ny hatsembohany sady nipotrapotraka tamin' ny tany. | Entré en agonie, il priait de façon plus instante, et sa sueur devint comme de grosses gouttes de sang qui tombaient à terre. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:45 | And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow, | Ary nony nitsangana avy nivavaka Izy, dia nankeo amin' ny mpianatra ka nahita azy matorin' alahelo. | Nony nitsangana avy nivavaka izy, dia nankeo amin' ny mpianany ka nahita azy matory noho ny alahelo, | Se relevant de sa prière, il vint vers les disciples qu' il trouva endormis de tristesse, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:46 | And said unto them, Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. | Dia hoy Izy taminy: Nahoana no dia matory ianareo? Mitsangàna, ka mivavaha, mba tsy hidiranareo amin' ny fakam-panahy. | ary nilaza taminy hoe: Nahoana no matory hianareo? Mifohaza, ka mivavaha mba tsy ho azon' ny fakam-panahy hianareo. | et il leur dit : " Qu' avez-vous à dormir ? |
Lio / Lk 22:47 | And while he yet spake, behold a multitude, and he that was called |
Ary raha mbola niteny Jesosy, indreo, tamy ny vahoaka, ary ilay atao hoe Jodasy, isan' ny roa ambin' ny folo lahy, dia nandeha teo alohany ka nanatona an' i Jesosy hanoroka Azy. | Raha mbola niteny izy, dia indro nisy andian' olona maromaro nitranga, ka ilay atao hoe Jodasy, anankiray tamin' ny roa ambin' ny folo lahy, no loha làlana, ary nanatona an' i Jeso ilay io mba hanoroka azy. | Tandis qu' il parlait encore, voici une foule, et à sa tête marchait le nommé |
Lio / Lk 22:48 | But |
Fa hoy Jesosy taminy: Ry Jodasy, fanorohana va no amadihanao ny Zanak' olona? | Ary hoy Jeso taminy: Ry Jodasy, dia fanorohana lahy no amadihanao ny Zanak' olona? | Mais |
Lio / Lk 22:49 | When they which were about him saw what would follow, they said unto him, |
Ary izay teo aminy, raha nahita izay efa hanjo, dia nanao hoe: Tompoko, hamely amin' ny sabatra va izahay? | Nony hitan-dry zareo teo amin' i Jeso izay hanjò, dia hoy izy taminy: Tompoko, mba hamely amin' ny sabatra va izahay? | Voyant ce qui allait arriver, ses compagnons lui dirent : " Seigneur, faut-il frapper du glaive ? " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:50 | And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. | Ary ny anankiray teo aminy dia nikapa ny mpanompon' ny mpisoronabe ka nahafaka ny sofiny ankavanana. | Dia nasian' ny anankiray taminy tokoa ny mpanompon' ny lehiben' ny mpisorona, ka afaka terý ny sofiny an-kavanana. | Et l' un d' eux frappa le serviteur du grand prêtre et lui enleva l' oreille droite. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:51 | And |
Fa Jesosy namaly ka nanao hoe: Aoka ihany na dia izao aza. Dia nanendry ny sofiny Izy ka nahasitrana azy. | Fa hoy Jeso: Aoka izay. Dia nanendry ny sofin-dralehilahy izy, ka nahasitrana azy. | Mais |
Lio / Lk 22:52 | Then |
Ary hoy Jesosy tamin' ny lohan' ny mpisorona sy ny lehiben' ny mpiambina ny tempoly ary ny loholona izay tonga hisambotra Azy: Mivoaka mitondra sabatra sy langilangy toy ny hisambotra jiolahy va ianareo? | Ary hoy Jeso tamin' ny lohandohan' ny mpisorona sy ny mpandraharaha amin' ny tempoly ary ny loholona izay tonga teo handray azy: Mova tsy ny hisambotra jiolahy izato fihavinareo, mitondra sabatra sy langilangy! | Puis |
Lio / Lk 22:53 | When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness. | Raha teo aminareo isan' andro teo an-kianjan' ny tempoly Aho, dia tsy naninji-tanana tamiko ianareo; fa izao no fotoanareo sy herin' ny maizina. | Teo aminareo isan' andro tao an-tempoly aho, nefa tsy nikasi-tànana ahy akory hianareo; fa izao tonga ny fotoanareo sy ny herin' ny maizina. | Alors que chaque jour j'étais avec vous dans le Temple, vous n' avez pas porté les mains sur moi. Mais c' est votre heure et le pouvoir des |
Lio / Lk 22:54 | Then took they him, and led him, and brought him into the high priest' s house. And |
Ary izy ireo nisambotra an' i Jesosy, dia nitondra Azy ho ao an-tranon' ny mpisoronabe. Ary Petera nanaraka teny lavidavitra eny. | Dia nisambotra azy izy ireo ka nitondra azy tany an-tranon' ny lehiben' ny mpisorona. Piera izany nanaraka teny lavidavitra eny ihany. | L' ayant donc saisi, ils l' emmenèrent et l' introduisirent dans la maison du grand prêtre. Quant à |
Lio / Lk 22:55 | And when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and were set down together, |
Ary raha namelona afo teo an-kianja ireo ka nipetraka, dia mba nipetraka teo aminy koa Petera. | Ary nampirehitra afo teo afovoan' ny tokotany ny olona, dia nipetraka nanodidina, ka mba niara-nipetraka taminy teo koa Piera. | Comme ils avaient allumé du feu au milieu de la cour et s'étaient assis autour, |
Lio / Lk 22:56 | But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire, and earnestly looked upon him, and said, This man was also with him. | Ary ny ankizivavy anankiray, nony nahita azy nipetraka teo anilan' ny afo, dia nandinika azy ka nanao hoe: Ity koa nomba Azy. | Nisy ankizivavy anankiray kosa nahita azy nipetraka tao akaikin' ny afo, ka nijery azy, dia nanao hoe: Ity koa niaraka taminy. | Une servante le vit assis près de la flambée et, fixant les yeux sur lui, elle dit : " Celui-là aussi était avec lui ! " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:57 | And he denied him, saying, |
Fa izy nandà ka nanao hoe: Ravehivavy, tsy fantatro Izy. | Fa nandà Piera nanao hoe: Ravehivavy, tsy mahalala azy akory aho. | Mais lui nia en disant : " |
Lio / Lk 22:58 | And after a little while another saw him, and said, Thou art also of them. And |
Ary vetivety foana rehefa afaka izany, dia nisy olona hafa koa nahita azy ka nanao hoe: Hianao koa mba naman' ireny. Fa Petera nanao hoe: Ralehilahy, tsy mba namany aho. | Nony afaka kelikely dia nisy lehilahy anankiray koa nahita azy ka nanao hoe: Hianao koa lahy naman' irony olona irony. Fa hoy Piera: Ry sakaiza, tsy nàmany akory aho. | Peu après, un autre, l' ayant vu, déclara : " Toi aussi, tu en es ! " Mais |
Lio / Lk 22:59 | And about the space of one hour after another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this fellow also was with him: for he is a |
Ary rehefa afaka tokony ho ora iray, dia nisy anankiray koa nitompo teny ka nanao hoe: Ilehio nomba Azy marina tokoa, fa Galiliana izy. | Ora iray taorian' izany, dia nisy hafa nilaza tamim-pitokiana hoe: Tena marina raha tsy nàmany koa ralehilahy ity, satria Galileana izy. | Environ une heure plus tard, un autre soutenait avec insistance : " |
Lio / Lk 22:60 | And |
Fa hoy Petera: Ralehilahy, tsy fantatro izay lazainao. Ary niaraka tamin' izay, raha mbola niteny izy, dia nisy akoho naneno. | Dia hoy Piera: Ry sakaiza, tsy fantatro izay lazainao. Niaraka tamin' izay raha mbola niteny izy, dia naneno ny akoho. | " Homme, je ne sais ce que tu dis. " Et à l' instant même, comme il parlait encore, un coq chanta, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:61 | And the |
Ary ny Tompo nitodika, dia nijery an' i Petera. Ary Petera nahatsiaro ilay tenin' ny Tompo nolazainy taminy hoe: Raha tsy mbola misy akoho maneno anio, dia handà Ahy intelo ianao. | Ary nitodika nijery an' i Piera ny Tompo, ka tsaroan' i Piera ilay tenin' ny Tompo nanao hoe: Alohan' ny maneno akoho anio, dia handà ahy intelo hianao; | et le Seigneur, se retournant, fixa son regard sur |
Lio / Lk 22:62 | And |
Ary nivoaka Petera, dia nitomany mafy indrindra. | dia nivoaka tany ivelany izy ka nitomany fatratra. | Et, sortant dehors, il pleura amèrement. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:63 | And the men that held |
Ary ny lehilahy izay nitana an' i Jesosy dia nanao Azy ho fihomehezana sady nikapoka Azy. | Dia nataon' ireo olona nitana azy fihomehezana Jeso sady nokapohiny, | Les hommes qui le gardaient le bafouaient et le battaient ; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:64 | And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee? | Ary rehefa nanampi-maso Azy izy, dia nanontany Azy hoe: Maminania; iza moa no namely Anao? | notampenany ny masony, notehafiny ny tavany, dia hoy izy taminy: Vinanio hoe izay namely anao? | ils lui voilaient le visage et l' interrogeaient en disant : " Fais le prophète ! Qui est-ce qui t' a frappé ? " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:65 | And many other things blasphemously spake they against him. | Ary niteny ratsy izy nilaza zavatra maro hafa koa nanaratsiany Azy. | Ary maro ny teny ratsy hafa nanaratsiany azy. | Et ils proféraient contre lui beaucoup d' autres injures. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:66 | And as soon as it was day, the elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes came together, and led him into their council, saying, | Ary raha vao nazava ny andro, niangona ny loholona, dia ny lohan' ny mpisorona sy ny mpanora-dalàna, ka nitondra an' i Jesosy ho eo amin' ny Synedriona, dia nanao hoe: | Nony vao maraina ny andro, dia nivory ny loholona sy ny lohandohan' ny mpisorona ary ny mpanora-dalàna, ka nentiny tao amin' ny Sanedrina Jeso, ary hoy izy taminy: Raha hianao no Kristy, dia lazao aminay. | Et quand il fit jour, le conseil des |
Lio / Lk 22:67 | Art thou the |
Raha Hianao no Kristy, dia lazao aminay. Fa hoy Izy taminy: Na dia hilaza aminareo aza Aho, dia tsy hino ianareo. | Fa hoy izy taminy: Na hilaza aminareo aza aho, tsy hinoanareo akory; | et dirent : " Si tu es le |
Lio / Lk 22:68 | And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go. | Ary na dia hanontany aza Aho, dia tsy hamaly akory ianareo. | ary raha hanontany anareo aza aho, tsy hovalianareo na halefanareo akory. | et si je vous interroge, vous ne répondrez pas. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lio / Lk 22:69 | Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of |
Fa hatramin' izao ny Zanak' olona dia hipetraka eo an-tanana ankavanan' ny herin' Andriamanitra. | Fa hatramin' izao ny Zanak' olona dia hipetraka eo an-kavanan' ny herin' Andriamanitra. | Mais désormais le Fils de l' homme siégera à la droite de la |
Lio / Lk 22:70 | Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of |
Dia hoy izy rehetra: Zanak' Andriamanitra va ary Hianao? Ary hoy Izy taminy: Voalazanareo fa Izaho no Izy. | Dia hoy izy rehetra: Zanak' Andriamanitra izany hianao? Ary hoy izy taminy: Voalazanareo, izy aho. | Tous dirent alors : " Tu es donc le Fils de |
Lio / Lk 22:71 | And they said, What need we any further witness? for we ourselves have heard of his own mouth. | Ary hoy ireo: Ka inona indray no ilantsika vavolombelona? fa ny tenantsika no efa nandre tamin' ny vavany. | Ka hoy izy ireo: Inona indray no ilantsika vavolombelona? Tenantsika no nandre tamin' ny vavany. | Et ils dirent : " Qu' avons-nous encore besoin de témoignage ? Car nous-mêmes l' avons entendu de sa bouche ! " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[King James Bible] The Gospel according to Luke |
[Baiboly 1865] Lioka |
[Baiboly Katolika] Lioka |
[Bible de Jérusalem] L'Évangile selon Saint Luc |
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